Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Sunday

O Lord God, our Father, You are the light that can never be put out; and now you give us a light that shall drive away all darkness. You are love without coldness, and you have given us such warmth in our hearts that we can love all whom we meet. You are the life that defies death, and you opened for us the way that leads to eternal life. I am not a great Christian; I am humble and ordinary. But your grace is enough for me. Arouse in me that small degree of joy and thankfulness of which I am capable, that timid faith which I can muster, that cautious obedience which I cannot refuse, and thus bring me to that wholeness of life which you have prepared for all of us through the death and resurrection of your Son.

Do not allow me or any of your children to remain apathetic or indifferent to the wonderful glory of Easter, but let the light of our risen Lord reach every corner of our dull hearts. Of my dull heart, Father. Amen.

- Karl Barth (adapted), Call of God
from Ruth Etchells Just As I Am

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