Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Road Construction and Jacob

I spent a good deal of time yesterday sitting in a line of cars and ... you guessed it
... waiting.

That wasn't my plan, but that's the way it happened. When I first saw the road construction signs I thought I would skirt around it by taking another route ... only to find ... yep ... more road construction. Road Closed. Detour. Expect Delays. Lane Closed. It took me three times longer to get to where I wanted to go.

As I sat in those lines of cars I noticed the person behind me getting more and more frustrated. Looking at the time. Looking out the window to see what was happening (which was completely blocked from view). Angry talking on the phone. Agitated looking around for a way out. ... No way out. ... What occurred to me was that I didn't feel like that at all. I couldn't do anything about these setbacks. It actually became a bit funny because any route I tried another construction sign rose to meet me. OK ... I guess I'm learning something more about waiting.

Jacob certainly knew about waiting. Actually, he chose to wait! He offered to wait 7 years to marry his beloved Rachel. And, he worked to pay for her hand! Think of that! Offering to wait. Hmmm ... offering to wait.

Waiting can be an offering if we choose to make it so. Waiting can be a time to reflect on the ways God has worked and giving thanks. Waiting can be a time for looking for ways God is at work and giving thanks. Waiting can be a time for how God will work and giving thanks.
Remember the past. Watch the present. Hope for the future.
And, give thanks.
Imagine Jacob's joy ... JOY ... on the day he married Rachel. Joy made all the greater because he chose to wait.

As I sat in those lines of cars yesterday, I chose to give thanks ... for the joy of taking my Mum to lunch and on a drive through the rolling hills of Pennsylvania, which are displaying the most wondrous colors of green, for the wonder of dogs running ... and running and running and running at the dog park, and for the lusciousness of throwing with porcelain on the wheel. Choosing to make waiting an offering changes the mind of my heart ... and it gives God the offering of thanks and praise that is due him. It was my pleasure to give it and I think, it was just as much His pleasure to receive it.

1 comment:

  1. A timely entry for us too, Jean, as we bide our time in a rental home waiting for our new house to be built. It's an exciting time too as we anticipate the blessings God has in store for us in our new home in Florida.
    You remain in my thoughts and prayers as you faithfully continue your journey. To Him be the glory!
